Language → Papiamento, Dutch
Population (around) → 107,522
Currency → Aruban Florin (AWG) ƒ


General weather Overview

The climate of Aruba is tropical, hot, and rather consistent throughout the year. The air is humid and damp all year, although slight breezes help reduce the
heat.The trade winds are constantly flowing, and the east coast is subject to strong sea currents, whilst the western and southern shores are more protected and have many sandy beaches


Oranjestad /Capital – Santa Cruz – San Nicolaas – Paradera – Savaneta

Fun facts

Some popular local foods

Keshi Yena, Fried Plantain, Cabrito Stoba, Sopi Mondongo, Cala, Bolita di Keshi, Cool Island Soup, Funchi, Pan Bati, Bolo Borracho, Cocada, Kesio, Papaya Hot Sauce

Some native animals:

: Painted Tunicate, Colombian Four-eyed Frog, Lesser Antillean Whistling Frog, Spectacled Caiman, American Crocodile, Striped Anole, Green Iguana, Bananaquit, Venezuelan Troupial, Bare-eyed Pigeon, Brown Pelican, Carib Grackle, Eared Dove

Couple of reasons to visit