Language → Arabic
Population (around) → 6,775,398
Currency → Lebanese pound (LBP) £


General weather Overview

Lebanon’s climate is subtropical, making it suitable for travel almost all year round. Summers are hot and dry, with chilly and damp winters. Even during the summer, mountain places tend to be cooler than other areas.The intensity of rain is only slightly higher during a few humid months. Winter rains are much heavier than they are at the shore, mainly on the western slope, which is directly exposed to ocean currents. The temperature drops depending on the mountain’s altitude; most mountains get a lot of snow during winter


Beirut / Capital – Baalbek – Batroun – Byblos – Ehden – Harissa – Laqlouq

Fun facts

Some popular local foods

Kibbeh, Kafta, Kanafeh, Hummus, Rice Pilaf, Fattoush, Manakish, Tabbouleh, Sfeeha

Some native animals:

Striped hyena, Red fox, Wild boar, Wild goat, European Roe Deer, Rock hyrax, Wild cat

Couple of reasons to visit