What we stand for
Serenity - Freedom - Energy - Diversity
Mindfulness, Awakening, Togetherness
Customize your trip with us!
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Oryon is proud to announce that our team is made up of eight amazing, talented individuals, with extremely hard-working men and women.
We take pride in the fact that all team members since years, share the deepest passion for traveling and exploring the world.
So far, each of us alone has traveled to at least 12 or more different countries individually throughout the years, and
together we have been lucky enough to have visited exactly 80 countries/islands of which are currently listed on
our website.
At Oryon our guest experience is preeminent to us. Therefore, in your customized itineraries we highly
recommend cities, hotels, restaurants, activities, and transfers that have been tried and tested by any one of our team members.
Together we speak six different languages, and are made up of six different nationalisties. We strive to reinvent travel with you in the best way possible, and make your full travel dream & vision turn into a reality.
As we, ourselves continue to travel in order to ensure the highest luxury and comfort experience for you, we hope that you will join us on once in a lifetime, unique journeys, designed to meet your expectations.