
Language → English, Chewa, Chibarwe, Kalanga, Khoisan, Nambya, Ndau, Ndebele, Shangani,Shona, Sotho, Tonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa
Population (around) → 15,231,794
Currency → United States dollar (USD) Z$


General weather Overview

→ In Zimbabwe, as in all equatorial countries, there is a tropical climate. There is almost no difference between the seasons. The daylight hours vary little, and the temperature differences between summer and winter are also lesser. Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, is a country located in southern Africa, just north of the Tropic of Capricorn, and almost entirely occupied by a plateau, at an altitude between 1,000 and 1,500 meters (3,300 and 4,900 feet), which tempers the climate. The country had three main climates, a rainy season, hot and humid, and a cool season, dry and sunny season.


Harare / Capital – Victoria Falls – Bulawayo – Matobo National Park – Nyanga National Park – Hwange National Park – Mutare – Masvingo – Lake Mutirikwi National Park – Chinhoyi – Mana Pools National Park – Matusadona National Park – Gonarezhou National Park – Kadoma – Kariba

Fun facts

Some popular local foods

Sadza/Itshwala, Bota/Iyambazi, Umxhanxa, Mutakura/Mangai, Madhumbe/Magogoya, Hwiza, Harurwa, Ishwa/Imbhombo, Inhlwa, Hodzeko/Maasi, Hohwa/Amakhowa, Matumbu/Ezanga Phakathi, Madora/Mancimbi, Mazondo/Amanqina, Nhopi/Inhopi, Mufushwa Wenyevhe/Ulude, Matemba/Kapenta, Mhandire/Umumbu

Some native animals:

Rhinoceros, Zebra, Wildebeest, Giraffe, Kudu, Eland, Sable antelope, Klipspringer, Leopard, Hyena, Cheetah, Hippopotamus, Warthog, Waterbuck, African wildcat, Springhare, Common duiker, Crocodiles, Baboons, and other monkeys

Couple of reasons to visit