
Language → Swahili, English
Population (around) → 62,724,499
Currency → Tanzanian shilling (TZS) TSh


General weather Overview

Tanzania is a vast country with a variable climate that depends heavily on the altitude and geography of the chosen travel destination. In general, the country has a tropical climate, especially on the coast where heat and humidity prevail, as it is south of the equator. The northwestern highlands are consistently cool, while the central plateau remains dry and arid year-round. The daylight hours vary little and the temperature differences between summer and winter are also small.


Dodoma / Capital – Zanzibar – Arusha – Dar es Salaam – Dodoma – Bagamoyo – Kigoma – Iringa – Moshi – Mwanza – Tanga – Tabora

Fun facts

Some popular local foods

Chipsi Mayai, Nyama Choma, Ugali, Mshikaki, Zanzibar pizza, Mandazi, Mchuzi wa samaki

Some native animals:

Wildebeest, Hippopotamus, Zebra, Giraffe, Elephant, Rhino, Thomson’s Gazelle, Lion, Leopard, Impala, Flamingoes, Ducks, Waterbucks, Common warthogs, Crocodiles, Marshbucks, Leopard Tortoise

Couple of reasons to visit