Language → English
Population (around) → 15,229
Currency → Eastern Caribbean Dollar (XCD) $


General weather Overview

Anguilla is a wonderful place to visit all year. Anguilla’s average temperature swings extremely little during the year, implying that the average temperature seldom changes. Because of the country’s position on a tiny island, temperature differences between coastal and interior locations are negligible. However, the wettest period coincides with the hottest. Rainfall is minimal on the island, and the area can even be described as arid at certain times of the year. The yearly precipitation average is quite varied. Overall, the weather is hot, humid, windy, and partially overcast.


The Valley / Capital – Stoney Ground – The Farrington – George Hill – Island Harbor

Fun facts

Some popular local foods

Pigeon Peas and Rice, Red Snapper, Johnny Cakes, Grilled Spiny Lobster, Conch Fritters

Some native animals:

Mangrove Cuckoo, Gray dolphin, Fraser’s dolphin, Insular single leaf bat, American manatee

Couple of reasons to visit