Language → French
Population (around) → 9,927
Currency → Euro (EUR) €


General weather Overview

A tropical climate prevails in Saint Barthelemy, as it does in all equatorial regions. Similar to other islands, seasonal differences are almost non-existent. The change in daylight hours is minimal, as are the temperature fluctuations between summer and winter. Saint Barthelemy’s climate is hot, humid, windy, and partly overcast. Rainstorms are generally intense but brief, thus the sun shines through for most of the year and precipitation is scarce.


Gustavia – Saint Jean – Lorient

Fun facts

Some popular local foods

Accras, Seafood, spring roll of shrimp and bacon, fresh grilled lobster, mahi-mahi

Some native animals:

Sea Turtles, Tortoises, Dolphins, Whales, Exotic fish, Iguanas, Goats,Exotic birds

Couple of reasons to visit