
Language → English, Fijian,
Hindi Population (around) → 907,348
Currency → Fijian dollar (FJD) $


General weather Overview

Like all equatorial countries, Fiji has a tropical climate. There is almost no difference between the seasons. The daylight hours vary little and the temperature differences between summer and winter are also small. The cool season is relatively dry, especially on the small, flat islands, but also on the north-western slopes of the main islands, while the trade winds can cause showers and thunderstorms on the south-eastern exposed slopes.


Suva / Capital – Lautoka – Nadi – Labasa – Ba – Levuka

Fun facts

Some popular local foods

Kokoda, Lovo, Duruka, Taro, Nama, Roti, Topoi, Fish Suruwa, Cassava cake, Fiji chop suey, Palusami

Some native animals:

Fiji Crested Iguana, Banded Iguana, Fijian Monkey-Faced Bat, Red-Throated Lorikeet, Dolphins, Whales, Sea turtles, Eels, Sea snakes, Corals, Exotic and colorful fish

Couple of reasons to visit